2021-22 Ensemble Program
Denise Koncelik
Mark Vickers
Participants in the ensemble program's Flute Fair reading of April 23, 2022
The NYFC's ensemble program USUALLY consists of scheduled, informal get-togethers of Club members who meet for the pleasure of playing in a flute choir. The approximately monthly meetings (typically on weekend afternoons in a studio space in midtown Manhattan) start in September and end with a concert at the annual meeting in May. We average about 25 players per month; ability level ranges from amateur/intermediate to professional.
No audition required to attend. The only requirement to participate is that you be a member in good standing of the Club for the current season. The meeting schedule for 2021-22 is posted below.
Please email Denise Koncelik and Mark Vickers at ensembles@nyfluteclub.org if you would like to be involved in the program (ideally after making sure your membership is up-to-date). Please include your name, email address, and instrument (C flute, piccolo, alto flute, bass flute, contrabass). Connection details for Zoom meetings will be emailed to participants sometime during the week preceding the event.
NEW as of December 2021! Interested in playing in a group of two to four or five players in a player’s home? The NYFC has revived its matchmaking service for NYFC members interested in playing in a small ensemble. See the December 2021 NYFC Newsletter for details and/or contact Tereasa Payne at tereasapayne@hotmail.com.
Photos and reports of the NYFC Ensemble's activities in past seasons, starting with 2016-17, may be found here.
Meeting Schedule for the 2021-22 Season
Date | Time | Location (if not Studios 353) | Event type |
Sunday, October 17, 2021 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm | Zoom | Virtual meet-up |
Saturday, December 18, 2021 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm | Zoom | Virtual meet-up |
Saturday, February 19, 2022 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm | Zoom | Virtual meet-up |
Our October 17, 2021 Virtual Meet-up
NYFC Ensemble Program directors Denise Koncelik and Mark Vickers hosted a Zoom meeting for ensemble program members on the afternoon of Sunday, October 17, 2021. The 13 participants shared updates on their latest activities and provided feedback on their comfort level with various degrees of in-person meetings being considered for the spring. News included a marriage (Lauren Klasewitz, now Kurtz), a (virtual) job move to the West Coast (Xiao Yu), a (real) move to the Upper West Side (Shirley Pompura), some fun rehearsals in a local parking lot (Roger Brook), starting with two new flute teachers (Iona Aibel), and a gradual return to in-person work (Gail Tishcoff and Mark Vickers). People were so busy catching up that nobody remembered to take a screenshot photo...
Our December 18, 2021 Virtual Meet-up
NYFC Ensemble Program directors Denise Koncelik and Mark Vickers hosted a Zoom meeting for ensemble program members on Saturday, December 18, 2021. Ten flutists attended (all but Lauren Kurtz shown in the photo).
Discussion items included the lastest in flute gadgets to help with hand problems (with contributions from Doug Ramsdell, Yiqun Zhao, and Kathy Saenger), and a demo of the flute masks the adult flute choir at the Hoff-Barthelson Music School is using for in-person rehearsals (from Ted Davis). Yiqun Zhao also told us that she is now on the National Flute Association’s Performance Health Care Committee.
Denise reminded the group of the Club’s new Small Ensembles program, which most people had not heard of (details at nyfluteclub.org/concerts-events-and-more/ensemble-program; if interested, contact Tereasa Payne at tereasapayne@hotmail.com).
Our February 19, 2022 Virtual Meet-up
NYFC Ensemble Program directors Denise Koncelik and Mark Vickers hosted a Zoom meeting for ensemble program members on Saturday, February 19, 2022. Ten flutists attended (all but Shirley Pompura shown in the photo). The prospects appear to be good for a one-day, in-person flute fair that will include a reading session led by Denise and Mark.